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What does NAAIA mean?NAAIA is the acronym for the National African-American Insurance Association.
When was NAAIA established?NAAIA was established and chartered March 5, 1997 in Cincinnati, Ohio by its Founder, Jerald L. Tillman, LUTCF. Mr. Tillman, early in his insurance career, saw a need to create a platform for the growing population of African-American insurance professionals to network and share information for career development and business opportunities.
How would you define the makeup of the base of NAAIA’s members and supporters?NAAIA has approximately 500 members and more than 2000 supporters. NAAIA’s partners include organizations whose local, regional, national and/or global reach is significantly impactful to the short and long-term success of our industry. These carriers, brokerages, independent and/or captive agencies and strategic alliances come together with NAAIA to formulate and execute plans that promote mutual success. The achievement of our shared goals is a win-win from the standpoint of the individual’s, businesses and the community we serve. NAAIA’s footprint stretches across each major region of the country with members in twenty-five states and a base that continues to expand.
Who are NAAIA’s constituents?NAAIA ‘s member and/or supporter base include new entrants, emerging leaders and seasoned staff & executives. NAAIA membership is varied and made up of positions by area of focus and roles i.e., insurance agencies, brokers, insurers, underwriters, claim adjusters, recruiters, legal & financial professionals, etc.
Is NAAIA exclusively for Independent agents?NAAIA is not exclusive to any one industry segment. The organization is distinguished and distinctive in its position as the only organization that engages, encourages and supports any and all insurance career professionals. The fact is that NAAIA welcomes all insurance industry professionals – currently employed or retired -- and those individuals who are employed in industry related fields i.e., attorneys, remediation/restoration professionals, etc.
Is NAAIA comprised of only persons from P & C carriers?NAAIA is not restricted to any business segment or position type. Rather, membership is open and encouraged for industry professionals representing all spectrums of the business. This would include P &C; Life & Health; Financial Services; Surety; Retail; Wholesale; Surplus Lines; etc.
Is NAAIA comprised of only African-Americans?The National African American Insurance Association is not exclusive to African American insurance professionals. NAAIA was formed out of the need to provide additional support to African American professionals seeking to advance their business and/or careers. The mission and vision remain the same, and the organization’s success is enhanced by the fact that members and supporters are representative of a broad range of industry professionals. Our members represent diversity of ethnicity, thought, background and experience. Simply stated, NAAIA does not exclude anyone who is eligible for membership and wishes to benefit from the NAAIA experience.
How many Chapters make up NAAIA?NAAIA currently has 16 chapters located across the United States and one developing chapter i.e., Atlanta; Chicago; Cincinnati; Columbus; Greater Hartford, CT; Dallas; Detroit; Indianapolis; New York; Philadelphia; St. Louis; Northeast Ohio; San Francisco; S. E. Louisiana and Washington, DC. Los Angeles is a chapter in development.
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